Success Group

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Our Successes

CDL training helps Drake return to his former company after a layoff.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Drake visited Man-Tra-Con for assistance in February 2018, nine days after being laid off from RCRA, Inc., due to lack of work. As a dislocated worker unlikely to return, he was eligible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded services. Although he had an associate’s degree in mining, Drake had been working as a construction laborer…

TRA assistance helps Todd develop a new career in Welding.

Career Specialist Stephanie Robinson reports on her customer. “Todd Tapp was “laid off” from Airtex Products in December 2015. He and his wife were both affected by the layoff and both were terrified for what the future would hold for their family of four. Todd attended a workshop and thought that his best option would be to attend school to develop his skills, while receiving TRA payments from IDES during his training,” Stephanie explains.

After training, Rachel finds a better paying job as a Registered Nurse.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer, “Rachel visited Man-Tra-Con in August 2015, in search of a better paying job. She did not have the appropriate education or work history and needed classroom training to find self-sufficient employment. Because Rachel had been employed in the healthcare field in the past and enjoyed the work, she decided to pursue a career in nursing…

Stacey, a single mom, earns an Automotive Technology degree with WIOA training assistance.

Stacey Barnes reports on her customer. “Lindsay Johnson was a single parent, out-of-school, and unemployed for 11 months when she began receiving WIOA training assistance through the Youth program. She had been receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits but needed assistance to obtain an education and discover a promising career path,” Stacy explains.

Joseph returns to school to become a Registered Nurse.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Joseph visited Man-Tra-Con for assistance in September 2016. He was a low-income individual in a family of five receiving food stamps. He had been working at Herrin Hospital as a CNA, but was not earning enough money to surpass low-income guidelines,” Michelle explains.

WIOA Trade assistance helps Heather recover from a mass layoff to earn an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice.

Career Specialist Stephanie Robinson reports on her customer. “Heather was a trade impacted employee from Airtex Products, L.P., in Mt. Vernon, Illinois when she came to Man-Tra-Con for assistance in 2016. Heather had worked for Airtex Products, L.P for 14 years when she lost her job due to a mass lay-off. As a result of the layoff, Heather had lost health insurance for both her children and herself. She wasn’t sure how she was going to pay her bills.

WIOA programs help Tracy get back on track and find a job she loves!

Career Specialist Sherry DeAngelo reports on her customer. “When Tracy began working with Man-Tra-Con in April 2017, she had been unemployed for seven months. Tracy was not eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits. Tracy needed to upgrade her skills before she would be able to find and maintain long-term employment,” Sherry explains.

WIOA and SP-NEG grant-funded assistance help Michael get CDL training plus find a better paying job.

Man-Tra-Con Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “I began working with Michael in February 2018, after he was determined eligible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Sector Partnership National Emergency Grant (SP NEG) funded training services as a dislocated worker. Michael had been working as a laborer for a staffing agency in Nashville, Illinois, when he was “laid off” in January 2018. He was eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits through Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). However, Michael still needed to find work right away to be able to support his family of five,” Michelle explains.

Nicole finds a career and full-time job in Manufacturing with WIOA training assistance through the Youth Services Program.

Jo Dene Kern reports on her customer. “In June 2018, when Nicole enrolled in the Youth Services Program, she was 23 years old, a high school dropout, deficient in reading, and unemployed. She immediately began taking GED classes at Rend Lake College in Ina, Illinois. Nicole also attended a Career Path Workshop developed as part of the Work Experience Program (WEP) administered by Man-Tra-Con,” Jo Dene explains.

Training brings Thomas a new career and safe job close to home.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer, “Thomas had previously worked in the coal industry, but knew layoffs were coming. He decided to leave his job, and was faced with the challenge of finding employment in a new field. When Thomas visited Man-Tra-Con in October 2017, he had been unemployed for three months. Thomas had been skilled in a declining industry and quickly realized he needed new training for a growing field.”

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