After 3 years of unemployment, Nolan returns to school to become a Registered Nurse.

Career Specialist Christina Abbott reports on her customer, “When Nolan and I met in March 2015, he had been unemployed for the past 3 years. He had been laid off from his last two jobs—working as a car salesman at Auffenberg in Herrin, and before that, working at an art gallery selling online art. He was getting frustrated looking for a job. Nolan realized he lacked the education to find a full-time, permanent position that would support him and his soon to be wife.”

SPNEG and WIOA grant funded training assistance helps Richie double his income plus find a career that he loves.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Richie came to Man-Tra-Con for career development and job search assistance in December 2016, when he was discharged from his position at South Side Lumber, Inc., in Herrin, Illinois. He had been earning $12.80 per hour as a Plumbing Manager at his former job and did not have the work history or education to find new employment at the same wage.

Job search assistance helps James land a good job as an Auto Body Repair Technician

Career Specialist Sherry DeAngelo reports on her customer. “In January 2018, James came to Man-Tra-Con seeking help with finding permanent, full-time employment. At the time, he had been unemployed for six months and was not eligible for UI benefits. Although he had been receiving food stamps, he had no other source of income other than an occasional job working on cars,” Sherry explains.

After a layoff, Aaron finds a stable job in a growing industry.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “As a dislocated worker, Aaron was eligible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services when he came to Man-Tra-Con for assistance in October 2017. After experiencing a layoff from the coal industry, Aaron had found a job working in fast food but needed help finding full-time, permanent, self-sufficient employment.