Truck Driver Training helps Johnnie get his dream job at Coca-Cola.

​Career Specialist Shaun Drue reports on her customer. “When I first met with Johnnie in January 2021, he had been “laid off” from M-Class Mining, LLC, for more than a year. Johnnie had been working on a plan to support himself and his daughter, but was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, which slowed his progress. He came to Man-Tra-Con seeking truck driver training assistance, with a goal to eventually work for Coca Cola Bottling Company,” Shaun explains.

WIOA funded training helps Caroline find a great job at Good Samaritan in Mt Vernon.

Career Specialist Amy Blocker reports on her customer. “In November 2018, Caroline came to us as a single mother of 2 children. She did not have the skills to obtain a self-sufficient job, she needed training to obtain full-time employment. Caroline was WIOA eligible for training assistance to attend the Diagnostic Cardiac Sonography Certification Program at John A. Logan College (JALC). WIOA funds helped Caroline pay for tuition, books, supplies, child care costs, plus provided reimbursement for her mileage, traveling to and from classes,” Amy explains. 

WIOA services helps Faith find employment and work toward her degree in Cosmetology.

Career Specialist Jo Dene Kern reports on her customer. “When I met Faith in September 2020, I learned that she had dropped out of high school during her sophomore year because of a learning disability. Faith had very little work experience. She had been employed for 10 hours per week at a dog breeding facility, working for less than minimum wage,” Jo Dene explains.

WIOA training assistance helps Joanna find a new career.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “When we met in February 2019, Joanna, a single parent of two children, had been unemployed for nearly three months and was receiving SNAP benefits from the Department of Human Services.

CNA moves up to Registered Nurse with WIOA training assistance.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “When Lindsey and I met in August 2017, she was had been working for Marshall Browning Hospital as a Certified Nurse Assistant (C.N.A) for nearly a year. She loved her job and her employer, but was unable to support herself at her hourly wage.

Makala transitions from CNA to RN at a higher wage with WIOA Assistance.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “In August 2017, Makala was eligible for WIOA services as a low-income adult when she visited Man-Tra-Con for assistance. She had been working part-time as a Certified Nurse Assistant and was not earning enough to support herself,” Michelle explains.