by Admin | Mar 27, 2019 | Success
Adult/Dislocated Worker Program Coordinator Leigh Dunning reports on her customer. “David had served in the Marines, earned two bachelor’s degrees following his military service, and worked in management at a local call center for several years. When the call center closed, he decided to stay home to care for a family member. In June 2018, after a six-year gap in employment, he was ready to re-enter the workforce,” Leigh explains.
by Admin | Mar 27, 2019 | Success
Assessment/Referral Coordinator Reba Utley reports on her customer. “Travis needed assistance to get back into the workforce and knew this would be difficult due to his past history. Travis sought assistance from Man-Tra-Con and discovered that he was eligible for job search services that would help him find employment.
by Admin | Nov 28, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer, “Abigail was working as a server at a restaurant when she decided to pursue a career in healthcare after conducting her own research. She and her husband did not earn enough together to support their family of four. Abigail was approved for training assistance through Man-Tra-Con for the fall 2015 semester.”
by Admin | Oct 23, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Sherry DeAngelo reports on her customer. “Amanda, single mother of six children, began working with Man-Tra-Con in June 2018. She was receiving SNAP benefits and did not have a reliable support system in place to encourage her and help with childcare. Amanda was eager to find work, but had gaps in her employment and needed more job skills to secure a job at a self-sufficient wage,” Sherry explains.
by Admin | Oct 22, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “When Jared visited Man-Tra-Con seeking assistance in May 2017, he was determined eligible for WIOA services as a dislocated worker unlikely to return. He had lost his job at American Coal due to a substantial layoff and was eligible for 26 weeks of unemployment benefits.