by Admin | Jul 18, 2019 | Success
Career Specialist Reba Utley reports on her customer. “In May 2018, Toriaun lost his job from Thomas Service, Inc., in DuQuoin, Illinois. Losing a job can happen to the best of us and Toriaun experienced this first hand. Instead of sulking, he took action and came to Man-Tra-Con for job search assistance and training,” Reba explains.
by Admin | Jul 17, 2019 | Success
JoDene Kern reports on her customer. “In October 2016, when Caleb enrolled in the Youth Services Program, he had little hope for his future. He was 22 and a high school dropout. He had never held employment and needed assistance in setting goals to prepare him for self-sufficient wages. His first goal was to obtain a GED,” JoDene explains.
by Admin | Jul 3, 2019 | Success
Career Specialist Amy Durfee reports on her customer. “In August 2017, Emily walked into the American Job Center in Marion seeking training and job search assistance. I met with Emily and her mother after an orientation session and discovered that Emily had been homeschooled for the last few years,” Amy explains.
by Admin | Jul 1, 2019 | Success
Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Jerry first visited Man-Tra-Con at the end of 2017, where he learned about the various services available to him. He had been working in the restaurant industry and was looking for full-time, permanent, self-sufficient employment. Jerry knew he needed to return to school to find a better paying job.
by Admin | Apr 4, 2019 | Success
Assessment/Referral Coordinator Reba Utley reports on her customer, “In November 2017, Hannah visited Man-Tra-Con seeking help with finding a good paying job. She was eligible for training assistance and was able to receive funding to enroll in the Psychology program at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.