WIOA training assistance helps Bethany find a new career as an Registered Nurse.

Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Bethany came to Man-Tra-Con seeking assistance in July 2017. She was determined eligible as a dislocated worker unlikely to return and had recently been discharged from her position in Jefferson County. Although she had held previous jobs in retail and customer service, Bethany realized that she did not have the work history or education to earn 100% of her dislocation wage,” Michelle explains.

Jera finds new career as a Registered Nurse with WIOA training assistance.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Jera was a single parent of a young child with special needs when she came to Man-Tra-Con for training assistance. She was determined eligible for WIOA services as a dislocated worker unlikely to return. When I first met with Jera in May 2018, she had been unemployed for over a year.