WIOA services helps Faith find employment and work toward her degree in Cosmetology.

Career Specialist Jo Dene Kern reports on her customer. “When I met Faith in September 2020, I learned that she had dropped out of high school during her sophomore year because of a learning disability. Faith had very little work experience. She had been employed for 10 hours per week at a dog breeding facility, working for less than minimum wage,” Jo Dene explains.

ANNOUNCING: Illinois Supply Chain Training Program

ANNOUNCING: Illinois Supply Chain Training Program

CHICAGO — The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) today announced a new training program designed to prepare more residents for roles in Illinois’ growing supply chain management industry. In partnership with the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM), the Illinois Supply Chain Management Training Program seeks to match residents who have become unemployed or underemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic with training for careers in supply chain management—one of the fastest growing fields in the state.