by Admin | Jul 16, 2018 | Success
Man-Tra-Con Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “I began working with Michael in February 2018, after he was determined eligible for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Sector Partnership National Emergency Grant (SP NEG) funded training services as a dislocated worker. Michael had been working as a laborer for a staffing agency in Nashville, Illinois, when he was “laid off” in January 2018. He was eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits through Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES). However, Michael still needed to find work right away to be able to support his family of five,” Michelle explains.
by Admin | Jul 9, 2018 | Success
Jo Dene Kern reports on her customer. “In June 2018, when Nicole enrolled in the Youth Services Program, she was 23 years old, a high school dropout, deficient in reading, and unemployed. She immediately began taking GED classes at Rend Lake College in Ina, Illinois. Nicole also attended a Career Path Workshop developed as part of the Work Experience Program (WEP) administered by Man-Tra-Con,” Jo Dene explains.
by Admin | May 16, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer, “Thomas had previously worked in the coal industry, but knew layoffs were coming. He decided to leave his job, and was faced with the challenge of finding employment in a new field. When Thomas visited Man-Tra-Con in October 2017, he had been unemployed for three months. Thomas had been skilled in a declining industry and quickly realized he needed new training for a growing field.”
by Admin | Apr 11, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Sherry Deangelo reports on her customer, “Robert visited Man-Tra-Con in March 2017, seeking assistance with finding employment. He had been “laid-off” from Unified Staffing since June 2016, due to a lack of available positions. When I first met with Robert, he was determined eligible for dislocated worker services due to his low-income and employment barriers. He had been receiving food stamps and had a prior felony conviction, which contributed to his difficulty in finding employment.”
by Admin | Apr 11, 2018 | Success
Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer, “Leanne sought training assistance in July 2015, after working as a CNA for Heartland Regional Medical Center. She discovered she enjoyed working in the healthcare field after she had been laid off from her previous job due to plant closure.”
by Admin | Apr 11, 2018 | Success
Jordan had been unemployed for 5 months and needed help with finding full-time, permanent employment. He came to Man-Tra-Con for assistance in October 2017.