Jo Dene Kern,
Youth Program Coordinator
Work Experience Program
Out of school and looking for work?
Earn a paycheck while learning job skills!
We are currently seeking to place “out-of-school” young workers in temporary Work Experience employment positions that will introduce you to potential career opportunities. Man-Tra-Con will be the employer of record and will pay your wages during the program period.
Eligibility Requirements
If you are interested in participating in the Work Experience Program (WEP), you MUST be 18 to 24 years of age and NOT attending school (except for GED classes), plus meet one or more of the following requirements:
- School dropout (NOT attending any school and has NOT received a high school diploma or GED)
- Foster child (past or present)
- Homeless or a runaway
- Pregnant or parenting
- Individual with a disability
- Ex-offender
- Receiving public assistance (example—food stamps)
- Other criteria may also apply
For more information about our Work Experience Program, contact Jo Dene Kern, at (618) 998-0970, ext. 278.
Need a GED? Attend an Orientation Session at JALC!
>> Download the most current JALC GED Orientation Flyer (PDF File, 1 MB).
>> Download the most current RLC Skills Center GED Enrollment Flyer (PDF File, 1.7 MB).