Deb Keelin,
Business Services
Work Experience Program
Helping young adults enter the workforce.
The Work Experience Program (WEP) provides paid work opportunities for young adult workers 18 to 24 years of age. Your company’s participation gives young workers an introduction to the world of employment, exposure to career opportunities, and an understanding of how education and training is connected to economic success. Man-Tra-Con Corporation will be the employer of record and will pay all wages, plus provide Workers’ Compensation during the program/work period — lasting up to 12 weeks.
What is my company’s role as the work site?
- Provide a safe working environment that will allow qualified young workers to earn a wage for up to 29 hours per week, dependent on worksite needs
- Designate supervisors eager to mentor young workers assigned to the worksite
- Provide feedback on each worker’s progress
Why should my business get involved?
- Help eager and talented young workers understand the keys to workplace success
- Serve as positive role models for tomorrow’s workforce
- Make an important contribution to the region
What kind of support will my business receive?
- Orientation and collaboration for your supervisor on working with young workers
- Staff support for young worker’s participation
How do I sign up or get more information?
Interested in hiring an employee through WEP? For additional information, contact Business Services Administrator Debra Keelin at 618-998-0970, ext. 224, or via email at .