Apprenticeship and Special Grants Coordinator Erica Travelstead reports on her customer. “Kevin was eligible to receive job search assistance when he visited Man-Tra-Con in October 2023. He had been “laid off” during the pandemic and needed assistance with rejoining the workforce,” Erica says.
“Kevin enrolled in a Work Experience program at the Schirm USA plant in Benton, Illinois. Administered by Man-Tra-Con through Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding, the Work Experience program offers job seekers an opportunity to get paid while they are learning new skills on the job,” Erica explains.
“Kevin received work boots, safety equipment, and transportation assistance through WIOA funds. He also received financial assistance through Supplemental Grant funding to help pay for three months of health insurance premiums,” Erica adds.
“After completing the work experience in February 2024, Schirm USA hired Kevin directly for a Production Worker position. He is currently working full-time at Schirm, earning $17.00 per hour,” Erica reports.