Southern Illinois Workforce Development Board Logo
Terance Henry, SIWDB Chair

Terance Henry,

SIWDB Chairperson

Southern Illinois Workforce Development Board

The Southern Illinois Workforce Development Board (SIWDB) is appointed by the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) in the local workforce investment area, in accordance with state criteria established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and is certified by the Governor.

The CLEOs and the SIWDB oversee policy for the local American Job Center system. Our local workforce investment area is LWIA #25 and includes Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Perry, and Williamson counties. The SIWDB, in partnership with the CLEOs, develop the local workforce investment plan and perform the functions described in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.

SIWDB Membership

The SIWDB is a board whose membership is selected in accordance with criteria established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. A majority of the membership is comprised of individuals representing businesses across various growth industries.

Other members include American Job Center partners, as well as representatives of education, labor, economic development and community based organizations. All members are individuals who are owners, chief executive officers, chief operating officers, or other individuals with optimum policy making or hiring authority within the entities they represent.


>> Visit the SIWDB website