​Man-Tra-Con Corporation is pleased to welcome Teresa Odom and Blaine Shubert to our team. Teresa and Blaine began working at Man-Tra-Con on Monday, June 3, 2024, and are currently in training. As Career Specialists, they will serve Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth customers who are enrolled in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funded programs.

About Teresa

Before joining Man-Tra-Con, Teresa Odom was employed as a receptionist for MH Insurance Center in Marion, Illinois. Previously, she had worked as a redetermination supervisor for Wisconsin Physician Services. Teresa currently lives in Marion, Illinois. Contact Teresa Odom at (618) 998-0970, ext. 251, or via email at: .

About Blaine

Blaine worked as an assistant manager for Casey’s General Store in Pinckneyville, Illinois, before joining the Man-Tra-Con team. Blaine currently lives in Du Quoin, Illinois. Contact Blaine Shubert at (618) 998-0970, ext. 241, or via email at: .


Welcome Teresa & Blaine!

Teresa Odom, Career Specialist

Teresa Odom

Blaine Shubert, Career Specialist

Blaine Shubert