WIOA assistance helps Brittany advance her career to become a Registered Nurse.

Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Brittany was eligible for WIOA services as a low-income adult when I met with her in May 2018. She had previously worked as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) for a few years, but her income was not enough to support herself. She needed training to advance in her career and find employment at a higher wage.

EPIC and WIOA assistance help Jason find independence and a career he loves!

Career Specialist Autumn Basler reports on her customer. “Jason Naas had been unemployed for 6 years when he came to Man-Tra-Con seeking assistance. He was enrolled in the EPIC program through the Department of Human Services, receiving SNAP benefits, and living in subsidized housing. In addition to assistance from EPIC, Jason was also eligible for WIOA services to help him with training and job search,” Autumn explains.