CNA moves up to Registered Nurse with WIOA training assistance.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “When Lindsey and I met in August 2017, she was had been working for Marshall Browning Hospital as a Certified Nurse Assistant (C.N.A) for nearly a year. She loved her job and her employer, but was unable to support herself at her hourly wage.

Makala transitions from CNA to RN at a higher wage with WIOA Assistance.

Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “In August 2017, Makala was eligible for WIOA services as a low-income adult when she visited Man-Tra-Con for assistance. She had been working part-time as a Certified Nurse Assistant and was not earning enough to support herself,” Michelle explains.

Work Experience Program helps William find permanent employment and a new start.

Adult/Dislocated Worker Program Coordinator Leigh Caldwell-Dunning reports on her customer. “When I first met with William in February 2019, he had a 6-month gap in his work history, and had been fired from his first job. He was basic skills deficient and had a vision-related disability. In addition, William had little training and lacked the soft skills needed to succeed in a job,” Leigh explains.

WIOA assistance helps Lisa find permanent employment.

Career Specialist Diane Payne reports on her customer. “In October 2018, Lisa came to Man-Tra-Con seeking job search assistance. Unemployed for 3 years, she had been receiving SNAP benefits and was given a medical card from the Department of Human Services,” Diane explains.