Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Jera was a single parent of a young child with special needs when she came to Man-Tra-Con for training assistance. She was determined eligible for WIOA services as a dislocated worker unlikely to return. When I first met with Jera in May 2018, she had been unemployed for over a year. Jera had been working towards a degree in Health Information Technology at Rend Lake College in Ina, Illinois, and needed help with her educational expenses. She was eligible to receive WIOA funded financial assistance to help pay for tuition, fees, textbooks, supplies, and mileage reimbursement,” Michelle explains.
“In May 2019, Jera successfully completed her program at RLC, received her degree, and passed the required testing to become officially certified. By the end of her program, Jera began working full-time as a Registered Nurse at Herrin Hospital – the facility where she completed her clinicals. She is currently earning $15.50 per hour — more than 100% of her dislocation wage,” Michelle adds.