Mariann Cook


Career Specialist Michelle Sanchez reports on her customer. “Marianne had been laid off in 2013, and had been unable to find employment earning the same wages. She had the credentials to work as a CNA and a cosmetologist, but her wages were not enough to support herself and her daughter,” Michelle explains.

“In 2015, Mariann came to Man-Tra-Con seeking assistance. She was determined eligible for training and received tuition/fee assistance with her Associate Degree Nursing program at Rend Lake College. She also received assistance with books, supplies, and mileage reimbursement,” Michelle adds.

“In May 2017, Mariann successfully completed her program and received her Associate’s Degree in nursing. She obtained her license and in August 2017, began working as a Registered Nurse for Crossroads Community Hospital in Mt. Vernon, earning $22.00 per hour,” Michelle reports.

“When asked what part of the program helped her become successful, Mariann replied,You gave me the resources and helped with school.’ She loves her job, because she enjoys helping people and learning every day,” Michelle adds.